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Tales By Fabulous Citizens

Hockey Live!
November 23, 2013
Favourite Winnipeg memories…? My first game ever was when I was 12. I went to see the Jets take on Wayne Gretzky and the LA Kings. Even though we were in the nose bleeds, I was so excited to see hockey live. I was there with my friend and his mom and after the game we got some autographs from some of the players. A close second would be when they announced that the Jets were coming back to were they belonged on my birthday. Best birthday gift ever!

Lara S
November 16, 2012
I left, and like so many people, came back. First I went west, to the mountains, where I learned people fear the earth’s whims instead of the sky’s. Then I went east, to the metropolis of Toronto, where I learned to step around people sleeping on the street without cursing them for making me feel uncomfortable. And to carry mittens in winter and juice boxes in summer so I’d have something to give them.
And after 15 years it was time to come back, bringing my western husband and my eastern children. The jury is still out on whether Winnipeg is being good to us, but it is being Winnipeg. And the creative writing that I lost somewhere on the road—the mountains may have scared it out of me, and then the people crowded so close I couldn’t breath, let alone speak truth—may be returning.

DisOrientation before ReOrientation
November 3, 2012
In my nuclear family, the ability to “find North” is a source of pride and a part of our identity as are our superior map reading skills…I had never really thought about this until I - as an adult - moved to Winnipeg. I moved here in the summer of 2004. I discovered soon after that I had NO CLUE how to find North or where North was in this city. I felt utterly disoriented. This was compounded by the fact that whenever I asked people for directions they used a system of landmarks - which confused me further as I was too unfamiliar with the city to recognize any of the landmarks. Thank goodness for my superior map reading skills ... over time, though I still could not find North, I did begin to gain confidence through my exploration of Winnipeg (always with trusty map) and eventually Winnipeg shared one of her secrets with me. In Winnipeg a person can always travel in a circle - literally, and I think figuratively too! - there is always a way to travel to and from a location via different routes, also socially this is more like a small town and so one is often travelling in different circles, like an ever expanding venn diagram. I believe it was a SOLID 6 years before I was finally able to be able to find North, no matter where I am in this city. Have I been fully ReOriented ? I don’t actually know.

September 16, 2012
Living out of Winnipeg, I love going in to the city and being around so many clearly good people. No matter where I go in Winnipeg, I am greeted by many kind individuals, and feel welcomed. And of Winnipeg’s attractions, my favorites are the library and the Legislative building!

Honey for Chinese
February 17, 2012
Many years ago when we lived in a small town north of Winnipeg, we would often find ourselves in the city, sometimes for business, sometimes pleasure, sometimes a combination. My partner at the time was an avid Chinese cook and also raised bees. Being the kind of person that everyone talks to, he soon became well acquainted with the owner of his favourite Chinese grocery. One day it came out that the owner was very fond of fresh honey and that is how the bartering began. We would bring in a can of freshly harvested honey and trade it for some Chinese cooking supplies. Only in Winnipeg!

Connecting the Dots
October 1, 2011
This is a small view of us becoming one in these magical grounds.
Sheri says:
What a magical, beautiful city marked with so many things hidden in plain view. The energy that emanates from the center here is intense. The Legislative, Basilica and many others are immense places of power that drives our city. There are so many reasons more that us special people (Winnipeggers) if born here, find this place truly home. We were born into this unique place of vibration. Harnessing it’s true power is our life mission, and I’m sure, many others.
There is so much here for eyes that can see.
Adam says:
Since we’ve come together in Winnipeg there’s been an almost perfect balance in relation to the city. We’ve gone though lifetimes of understanding what, who and where we are NOW. Were on a path that some might say is quite crazy but know it’s real and live it everyday.

Winnipeg is now home
September 26, 2011
Winnipeg has become my home now. I was an army brat and I guess fate brought me here as my father’s last posting in the Air Force was here. So I went on to attend the University of Manitoba. For years, whenever someone asked me where I was from I would list off where I was born and all the different places that I had moved too during my father’s career. Lately I realized that it’s been sneaking up on me that I am now just saying I’m from Winnipeg. I got married here and have my career here and my daughter is now in high school here. She’s already thinking about U of M as an option in a few years. For me Winnipeg has slowly seeped into my being. Lately I feel the vibe and energy that the city to be experiencing. You can do just about anything here, concerts, hockey games, museums, great culture, great restaurants. And it’s still a great place to raise a family.

home away from home
September 22, 2011
I have not even lived in Winnipeg long enough to be an eligible voter for Octobers election! My husband is military and we are posted here we were here in May for our “house hunting trip” and moved up here this summer and have to say it is the friendlies city we have lived in (we are from Newfoundland so we know friendly!!!). For all the negative one hears about the crime in Winnipeg I am happy to say I live in this most friendly city:). Our family has settled in here our daughter gone off to high school and all feeling very welcomed in this big city thats the story I would like to share….oh yeah and whooooo go jets:) where does one get a set of these beautiful Winnipeg oracle cards?

Winnipeg from the outside
May 31, 2011
I was born and raised in Winnipeg - I lived there until I was 27 years old. Then I came to Japan, got married, bought a house, and settled down. I’ve lived in Japan for over 10 years now - my life is here, but Winnipeg still tugs at my heart strings.
I remember the first time I flew back to Winnipeg after moving to Japan. It was about 2 years after I had first left. I had a window seat in the airplane, and as the captain circled for the landing, I remember thinking, “This can’t be right; this can’t be my beloved Winnipeg. It’s so SMALL!!!”
There’s something about being a Winnipeger that makes us walk tall. We think we’re bigger than we really are, and it’s always startling to be reminded that we’re not the biggest city in Canada and we’re not the tallest among our friends. But, that’s where our true strengths lay: in our heart of hearts, we Winnipegers know that we can do anything!
A blessing and a curse, perhaps - just like being born in Winnipeg.

Old Market Square
April 27, 2011
Today I sat at a bench at Old Market Square pondering the orange snow fence. This fence keeps us from the only available greenery in the concrete and brick jungle that is the exchange district. The large oppressive cube blocks, stops and knots. I imagine a group of soft bodied musicians being crushed by the heavy chain mail. And yet the beauty of nature comes to visit us in this small patch of green. The sun shines and warms us, three wood peckers flit from tree to tree, flashes of bright red against the grey. Photographers are busily snapping romantic pictures of beautiful women, lovely flute music floats on the breeze, the hot dog stands are lined up, and all the crazies are out in full regalia. What a sight to see the city so alive after a long winter! No snow fence or oppressive architecture can keep us from celebrating. The radiance of nature and the luminous people of Winnipeg shine forth. How grateful I am to be in this epicenter of creativity!
Radiant in the Exchange